[tex-hyphen] Hypheneation in Greek
Claudio Beccari
claudio.beccari at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 18:21:54 CEST 2014
Dear fends,
at this link:
You cam download the file GreekForBabel.zip
This zipped archive conains the *extended LGR* pattern files plus some
files for generating a new pdflatex format file and some testing with my
package testhyphens.sty. The latter little package is not included
because it is already included in any recent TeX Live distribution. In
any case if you have a distribution that is not automatically updated as
the TeX Live one (may be MiKTeX and or TeXLive/Debian) you can easily
download the little package from CTAN.
I suggest that you create with administrator privileges a new
pdflatex.fmt file. In order to do this, use the texmf-local tree; and n
the tex/generic/ sub-tree create a folder structure similar to the one
in texmf-distr/tex/generic.
Then copy
1) language-local.dat in */config*
2) grahyph.tex, grmhyph.tex and grphyph.tex in */hyphen*
3) loadhyph-el-ancient.tex, loadhyph-el-monoton.tex,
loadhyph-el-polyton.tec in */hyph8/loadhyph**
4) update the lsr file name data bases with mktexlsr (or equivalent)
5) run tlmgr (or equivalent) with this command line *tlmgr generate
6) run *fmtutil-sys --byfmt pdflatex*
7) in order to test the positive result of your actins you can run one
of the TestingTestHyphensIn....tex files; You should get the same result
as the correspoding .pdf file included in the zipped archive.
This said, some comments are necessary.
Dimitrie: you should use Günter's new greek.ldf that contains the
necessary settings for the three variants of Greek, so that you won't
get errors for unknown attributes/modifiers.
Günter: apparently your new greek.ldf works is fine; I could not spot
any glitch on the .ldf file; I am now examining the documentation text
and I'll let you know.
Meanwhile I spotted a little glitch in the LICR definitions; all the
macros you define work on the diacritcs that in the LGR encoding prefix
to the base letters, but apparently you let the the iota subscript
(ipogegrammeni) get typeset through the ligature mechanism. This
requires some extra hyphenation patterns otherwise the testhyphens
package shows a nice ipogegrammeni separated with a hyphen sign from the
base letter :-( . Nothing terrible; I introduced the necessary patterns
and this wrong behaviour does not take place any more. But in a certain
way it throws a dark light on the LICR method which actually does not
let address ALL the pre-composed characters, but only a certain subset,
very large, but not complete.
Dimitrie: the three pattern files contain in the "preamble" the complete
list of the upper plane LGR characters with their double caret codes.
Without this list the patterns are almost impossible to "read".
I added several patterns and corrected several existing ones, mostly in
grphyph.tex and grahyph.tex; the latter one is the most complete and
possibly most modifications I introduced in the ancient Greek pattern
file should be introduced also in grphyph.tex for the polytonic modern
variant. You can find the modifications I introduced by searching the
string CB that I wrote in each added line or at the beginning of a set
of added lines. I do not exclude that the modifications I introduced
conflict with other settings; they certainly don't while building the
pdflatex format file, but they might on a typographical base.
For polytonic modern Greek and for ancient Greek I used the same text
taken form the link that Dimitrios sent me; It is nor actually very
important if the text is polytonic modern or ancient Greek; it simply
shows how the pattern sets for both variants work out. Needless to say
that for a person like me, who does not actually know any variant of
Greek, and in particular its typographical hyphenation rules the results
are very surprising; may be they are because of errors or because of
unusual hyphenation rules, But you only, Dimitrie, can say if the
results are correct or need some sort of modification of the pattern files.
I hope that now you all have enough material to work on ;-) .
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