[tex-hyphen] shortdesd, longdesc of hyphen-<language> & CTAN

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Jun 7 00:36:18 CEST 2011

    I'm not sure if it sounds better to write "Foo Hyphenation Patterns"
    or "Hyphenation Patterns for Foo (Language)" etc.

I think it is better to write "Foo (language) hyphenation patterns",
i.e., to put the variable info at the beginning of the shortdesc.  That
helps people when searching.


Looking at hyphen-afrikaans, a "the" needs to be inserted before
"patterns packaged with TeX are considered superior in quality".
Without that "the", the meaning is different -- that TeX packaging
*as such* makes the patterns superior.  Not what we want to say.  

I didn't check them all (it will be easier when they're in the repo),
but I read half a dozen more and didn't see any problems.


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