[tex-hyphen] tl2011-pretest: loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex still not activated by default?

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 12:43:49 CEST 2011

Dear Nikola,

Do you want to suggest that Serbian should load both latin+cyrillic
patterns in XeTeX & LuaTeX and just latin patterns in pdfTeX? Or do
you want to suggest that Cyrillic should be the default?

(I know at least that there is no default script in Serbian language
and people have hard time deciding which one to use. My roommate, a
Physicist, said she started hating Cyrillic for she had to switch the
keyboard for every formula she wanted to write :)

In pdfTeX we cannot load both or at least it would break hyphenation
of many words in bad & unexpected ways.

In both Babel and Polyglossia you somehow need to decide whether you
will use Latin or Cyrillic labels for tables & figures anyway. We
decided to use Latin because serbian.ldf uses Latin labels. Is there
already babel support for Cyrillic Serbian?


2011/6/1 Nikola Lečić <nikola.lecic at anthesphoria.net>:
> Hello,
> Regarding these old posts:
>  http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-hyphen/2010-July/000681.html
>  http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-hyphen/2010-July/000682.html
>  http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-hyphen/2010-July/000683.html
>  etc.
> After a fresh tl2011-pretest install, Serbian Cyrillic patterns are
> still not loaded by default and the manual intervention similar to what
> is described in the first of those mails is still necessary.
> Can someone take a look before tl2011 release?

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