[tex-hyphen] ptex-specific patterns

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Sat May 29 20:46:48 CEST 2010


Akira's email seems to be bouncing (maybe I need to use another one),
but here are some observations (tested on TL 2010). I have tested with
command line
    ptex -ini -jobname=platex -progname=platex platex.ini
and tried to replace
    slovenian sihyph-ptex.tex
    slovenian loadhyph-sl.tex

The first thing that I have noticed was the following:
     UTF-8 Slovenian Hyphenation Patterns
so it seems that the code recognizes the engine to be UTF-8 (contrary
to Omega :)

but then it has complained about the code being non-letter (nothing new):

! Nonletter.
l.151 aj5^^c5^^be

As optimistic as I was, I have tried to define the needed lccodes:
etc. But then it has complained about:

! Bad character code (269).
<to be read again>
l.23 \lccode"010D=
! Invalid code (269), should be in the range 0..255.

So it seems that pTeX is not fully UTF-8 after all; or maybe it works
in UTF-8 mode only when typesetting Japanese.

The next step that I have tried was to treat the engine as 8-bit and
thus running both
    \input conv-utf8-ec.tex
    \input hyph-sl.tex
and then the format generation worked properly. However I have no idea
whether the final result was 100% compatible with loading the other


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