[tex-hyphen] uploading hyph-utf8 to CTAN

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Fri May 28 15:43:39 CEST 2010

Dear companions,

I'm thinking about uploading the current version of hyph-utf8 to CTAN.
Any objections to that? (There are some Lao changes pending, but that
should not be a showstopper for testing.)

Once the zip is uploaded to CTAN, feel free to import it to TL at any
time. As I said, the new tlpsrc files are here:

I suggest that Manuel fixes them manually (we probably don't need so
many fixes, do we? if yes, I'll regenerate the files) and they I'll
modify the generating scripts accordingly anyway (can be done later
and is of almost zero importance). Note that there are some new
languages and "ukenglish" moved to "english" that now also contains
"usenglishmax". This means that some collections need to be updated as
well, for example
    collection-ukenglish -> collection-english (or maybe english-extra)

(Hey, wasn't there a rule that hyphenation patterns never make a
collection-langxxx unless there is some other material in that
collection? So maybe english should go to collection-langother? :) :)
:) :)


Manuel, I'm manually maintaining doc/generic/hyph-utf8/CHANGES.
(Manually because there are lots of commits that are of no value to
users.) I would like to request some input here (I know that I could
just copy-paste from SVN log, but if you think that's most
appropriate, feel free to do it, else you may write whatever you want,
you may even remove the entries if you think that they are not
important; I never add any technical details weth zero impact on
functionality for example, but you probably want to write at least


Manuel, just for your info: I have installed TL 2010 without german-x
patterns. Despite the fact that there is
    special = 'disabled:experimental',
in language.dat.lua, your runtests.sh fail due to the missing files
with patterns. This should normally not be a problem in TL since
language.dat/def will only list the file when the files will be
installed, but it might be good to be aware of that.


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