[tex-hyphen] Greek hyphenation patterns

Apostolos Syropoulos ijdt.editor at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 13:54:39 CEST 2008

2008/6/19 Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org>:

> While I can understand your concern to improve the behavior for Greek, I'm
> a bit reluctant to make such changes at this level. My feeling is that the
> "built-in" behavior in xe(la)tex, provided by the default formats and
> unicode-letters.tex, should follow the defined international standards as
> closely as possible, even though this is not always ideal for particular
> languages.

OK but what if the international standards are wrong? Users will use
commands like \ΜakeUppercase{Απόστολος} and
they will get ΑΠΌΣΤΟΛΟΣ which is wrong. If users will ask why they get wrong
output what will be the response? That
we follow standards that are wrong! At any rate.

To customize or override the Unicode definitions for Greek, I would suggest
> providing a LaTeX package (to make it easy to use) that loads the xgrcodes
> settings; or perhaps this can be integrated with François's polyglossia.
> This approach keeps the default as "clean" and standards-based as possible
> (and simplifies maintenance by keeping your Greek-specific support separate
> from the files that are auto-generated from the Unicode database), while
> making it easy for users who want those features to load them in their
> documents.

The best solution is to make aware people willing to prepare Greek languge
documents that they should use some
new file xelatex.ini which I am going to upload to CTAN. This will be
compatible with what xgreek.sty expects.



PS Are you aware of any method/prcoedure by which I can file a bug to the
Unicode consortium?

Apostolos Syropoulos
366, 28th October Str.
GR-671 00 Xanthi, GREECE
Web-page at http://obelix.ee.duth.gr/~apostolo
Blog at http://asyropoulos.wordpress.com/
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