[tex-hyphen] versioning hyphenation patterns

Javier Múgica javier at digi21.eu
Mon Jun 16 19:06:57 CEST 2008

Forgive me if you receive this thrice, but I think it didn't succeed to send at the first two tries. I waited a bit and it does not appear in the list yet.

> > > BTW, is LuaTeX able to merge different pattern files on the fly, e.g., a
> > language pattern file with a pattern file for domain specific notions?
> Yes, but once merged that becomes a language, and there is no crossover
> between languages. So if you have <common> patterns, as well as <ext_a>,
>   and <ext_b> supplements, then both languages <a> and <b> have to load
> <common> as well as the <ext> file (I hope this makes sense).
> Best wishes,
> Taco

Good to have it. I did exactly that for Galician some time ago, where <ext_a>, <ext_b>... where geology, medicine ... , but due to the limitation of loading patterns only at format generation I had to comment lines like

%\input glgeol.tex

in the <common> patterns generating file, and if the user wanted would have to remove the comments and generate the format again. To be sincere, I suspect that nobody in Galicia other than me is aware of that possibility.
Since LuaTeX is able to merge different pattern files on the fly it will be easier; the <extra> patterns would be easily loaded by a package, without the user need to know aobut format generation, patterns... and the like low level features that we don't want the poor end user to tell he must know.


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