[tex-eplain] Fwd: Re: Is there a list of fonts usablebyTeXalone, or aTeX command to return names?

terry.s at Safe-mail.net terry.s at Safe-mail.net
Fri Oct 27 17:30:39 CEST 2023

Hi Laurence,

Then I hope you are enjoying your retirement!

I think perhaps more needs to be *done* manually ... it seems it's not breaking lines where it should.
Unless I'm missing something (entirely possible), I thought I did the bare minimum required, per the manual.
And yes, I need to look at your example from your website. I will do so.

Have a wonderful day,
Terry S.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
Apparently from: tex-eplain-bounces+terry.s=safe-mail.net at tug.org
To: tex-eplain TUG <tex-eplain at tug.org>
Subject: Re: [tex-eplain] Fwd: Re: Is there a list of fonts usablebyTeXalone,or aTeX command to return names?
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:15:09 +0200

> > It did test the existing commands alone before creating shortcuts to a string of commands.
> Okay, but generally speaking one has to do these things step by step or they don't work, and I should know.
> > Please, please don't let me take you away from your work!
> I'm retired.  I don't have work.
> > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023 um 22:02 Uhr
> > Von: terry.s at Safe-mail.net
> > An: Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
> > Betreff: Re: [tex-eplain] Fwd: Re: Is there a list of fonts usablebyTeXalone, or aTeX command to return names?

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