[tex-eplain] TeX, eplain + BibTeX: apalike style causes overlapping text bib entries in PDF

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Oct 13 00:11:47 CEST 2023

    Using 'apalike' style with or without eplain (without eplain you must
      load btxmac yourself) causes several words of the first line of every
      bibliography item to overlap.

To use apalike.bst, you also have to do \input apalike. (That is,
read apalike.tex.) I see I need to add this to the documentation
in various places.

Cutting down your example (thanks) even further:

\input btxmac
\input apalike
\noindent Cite~\cite{article-full}.

Thanks for the report,

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