[tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols

Gérald Tenenbaum gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr
Sun Aug 27 19:57:20 CEST 2023

However it does not seem to work with \vartheta :

\input eplain


\font\gbeight=cmmib10 scaled 800
\font\gbseven=cmmib10 scaled 700


Laurence.Finston at gmx.net a écrit le 27/8/23 à 18:09 :
> > This is wrong.  You're resetting \textfont1.  You need to set 
> \textfont\gpfam.
> Like I said, \gbfam and \gbifam (in this case) are numbers:
> \tracingonline=1
> \showthe\gbifam
> \showthe\gbfam
> -->
> This is TeX, Version 3.141592653 (TeX Live 2022/dev/Debian) (preloaded 
> format=tex)
> (./ttemp.tex
> > 8.
> l.32 \showthe\gbifam
> ?
> > 9.
> l.34 \showthe\gbfam
> They are thus family 8 and 9, respectively and \textfont\gbifam and 
> \textfont\gbfam are equivalent to \textfont8 and \textfont9, respectively.
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 27. August 2023 um 17:48 Uhr
> *Von:* Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
> *An:* "Gérald Tenenbaum" <gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr>
> *Cc:* "Eplain" <tex-eplain at tug.org>
> *Betreff:* Aw: Re: [tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols
> %% Normal italic:
> \newfam\gbifam
> \font\gbiten=cmmi10
> \font\gbieight=cmmi10 scaled 800
> \font\gbiseven=cmmi10 scaled 700
> \def\gbi{\fam\gbifam\gbiten}
> \textfont\gbifam=\gbiten
> \scriptfont\gbifam=\gbieight
> \scriptscriptfont\gbifam=\gbiseven
> %% Bold italic:
> \newfam\gbfam
> \font\gbten=cmmib10
> \font\gbeight=cmmib10 scaled 800
> \font\gbseven=cmmib10 scaled 700
> \textfont\gbfam=\gbten
> \scriptfont\gbfam=\gbeight
> \scriptscriptfont\gbfam=\gbseven
> \def\gb{\fam\gbfam\gbten}
> Normal Italic:  $\gbi{\Delta_\Omega}$
> Bold Italic:  $\gb{\Delta_\Omega}$
> \bye
> See ttemp.dvi (attached)
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 27. August 2023 um 17:19 Uhr
> *Von:* Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
> *An:* "Gérald Tenenbaum" <gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr>
> *Betreff:* Aw: Re: [tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols
> > \def\gp{\fam\gpfam\textfont1=\tengp}
> This is wrong.  You're resetting \textfont1.  You need to set 
> \textfont\gpfam.
> If you create a new family, you shouldn't need to write macros for the 
> individual characters.  They should be in the proper positions in the 
> font, if the font is encoded using the conventions of plain TeX.
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 27. August 2023 um 15:44 Uhr
> *Von:* "Gérald Tenenbaum" <gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr>
> *An:* Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
> *Cc:* "Eplain" <tex-eplain at tug.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols
> Thank you.
> Here is indeed a working example
> \input eplain
> \font\tengp=cmmib10
> \newfam\gpfam
> \textfont\gpfam=\tengp
> \def\gp{\fam\gpfam\textfont1=\tengp}
> \def\gth{\hbox{$\gp\vartheta$}}
> $\gth\neq\vartheta$
> \end
> However this would require distinct definitions for the same letter in 
> distinct sizes.
> The behavior therefore radically departs from standard use in which 
> you can do, for instance,
> \font\tenscaln=eusm10
> \font\sevenscaln=eusm10 scaled 700
> \newfam\scalnfam\textfont\scalnfam=\tenscaln\scriptfont\scalnfam=\sevenscaln
> \def\scaln{\fam\scalnfam\tenscaln}%
> \def\scal{\scaln}
> \def\A{{\scaln A}}
> \def\B{{\scaln B}}
> $\A_\B$
> Regards,
> Gérald
> Laurence.Finston at gmx.net a écrit le 27/8/23 à 15:13 :
>     First, you define a new family using \newfam.  This takes care of
>     the problem that Philip brought up, because your new \boldgreek or
>     \bg or whatever macro will change the family within its scope.  I
>     think you can have 11 families or so and plain tex only uses 7 or
>     something.  I don't remember the details.  It would be like this:
>     \newfam\boldgreekfam
>     \def\boldgreek{\fam\boldgreekfam\tenboldgreek}
>     \newfam just assigns a number.  If you know the number, you could
>     use it instead of \boldgreekfam, but it's better not to.
>     Then you set \textfont, \scriptfont and \scriptscriptfont.  You
>     might need to use scaling if this font isn't available in the
>     sizes you need.
>     For example, \font\fiveboldgreek=cmboldgreek10 scaled 700.
>     I haven't tested this, so you may have to fiddle with it and/or
>     refer to _The TeXbook_ (never a bad idea).
>     That is my attempt to answer your question.  My opinion is that it
>     might be difficult to distinguish bold Greek characters in
>     subscripts from ordinary Greek characters and that \bf and \rm are
>     meant to be the exceptions rather than the rule.  However, to each
>     his/her own.
>     If you have any problems, I'll be happy to try to make a working
>     example.
>     *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 27. August 2023 um 12:44 Uhr
>     *Von:* "Gérald Tenenbaum" <gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr>
>     *An:* Laurence.Finston at gmx.net
>     *Cc:* "Eplain" <tex-eplain at tug.org>
>     *Betreff:* Re: Aw: Re: [tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols
>     So how would it work with bold greek?
>     When I tried this I get an error until I insert \hboxes
>     Laurence.Finston at gmx.net a écrit le 27/8/23 à 12:12 :
>         > Can't one design a setting working like \bf or \it ?
>         Sure.  This is how \bf is defined in plain.tex:
>         \newfam\bffam \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf} % \bf is family 6
>         \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
>         \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
>         *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 27. August 2023 um 11:41 Uhr
>         *Von:* "Gérald Tenenbaum" <gerald.tenenbaum at univ-lorraine.fr>
>         *An:* "Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute)"
>         <P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk>
>         *Cc:* "Eplain" <tex-eplain at tug.org>
>         *Betreff:* Re: [tex-eplain] boldface greek symbols
>         Thanks.
>         Yes it suffices, but I also need these boldface letters in
>         subscripts.
>         I am puzzled by the necessity of using \hbox. Can't one design
>         a setting working like \bf or \it ?
>         Regards,
>         Gérald
>         Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) a écrit le 27/8/23 à 11:21 :
>             You don't appear to be using \gpfam, Gérald — will not the
>             following suffice ?
>             \font \tengp = cmmib10
>             \def \gp {\textfont 1 = \tengp}
>             \def \gth {\hbox {$\gp \vartheta $}}
>             $\gth \neq \vartheta $
>             \end
>             --
>             /Philip Taylor/

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