[tex-eplain] [JDM95003@uconnvm.uconn.edu: Question about eplain extensions]

Hunter Goatley goathunter@goatley.com
Thu, 01 Nov 2001 16:38:44 -0600 (CST)

> Texsis (a superset of plain tex) allows for column width insertions. You
> might want to look that package up on tug.org or ctan. It seems to have  more
> sophisticated handling of inserts in double column output. It won't do triple
> or quadruple. And it messes up column balancing if you play too much with
> switching between single and double column on the same page.

My newsletter macros (found on CTAN under plain/macros/newsletter, I
think) also provide for column-width figures and multiple columns,
albeit from a different approach.

Hunter Goatley, Process Software, http://www.process.com/
<goathunter@GOATLEY.COM>     http://www.goatley.com/hunter/