[pstricks] pst-node suggestion

Patrice MÉGRET Patrice.MEGRET at umons.ac.be
Wed Oct 23 09:42:37 CEST 2013

Dear Herbert,
Dear all,

Pstricks packages are wonderful tools for designing illustrations for lectures, ...
In particular, I use extensively pst-circ and pst-optexp which use pst-node to place the components.

Is it possible to add an option 'draft' to pst-node that would allow to plot, during the design phase of a diagram, a dot and the name of the node at the reference point of the node. That would greatly simplify the creation of electrical and optical schemes.

I saw in the pst-optexp.dtx that Christopher uses explicitly the three commands \pnode(x,y){Nodename} \psdot(Nodename) \uput[90](Nodename){Nodename} in his examples but has to hide the last two commands in the showexpl environment . If these last two commands could be included in the pst-node code directly under 'draft' option for all types of nodes (\pnode, \dotnode, ...), a simple compilation with 'draft' would show the information and a compilation without this option would result in the clean final result.

Best regards,

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