[pstricks] R: Re : Fwd: PSTricks code -- pst-solides3d

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sun Jul 3 14:02:54 CEST 2011

Am 02.07.2011 21:45, schrieb Carlo Alberini:
> Yes, that would be perfect, but I don't know the right PSTricks code for generate the "solidcreux (cone)" that you can find in page 3 in http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/mluque/solides3d2007/sections/sections-cone/sections-bicone.pdf.
> Moreover, if it possible, without generating .dat files (I am not able to generate them, and I don't know how programs could generate them - I use Mac OsX 10.5.8) and without \codejpg. In fact I need the right PSTricks code (\defFuntion, and so on) to generate all the cone sections I need only modifying the involved functions, like the code you have received in attachment.
> For example I am not able to use the object=load with solids that I create, but only with the predefinite solides; I would like to use this object=load with my own solides.
> On the other hands, if I have the right code to generate the conic sections that you can find in http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/mluque/solides3d2007/sections/sections-cone/sections-bicone.pdf in the style of the draw you can find in this page 3, that would be perfect.

here is an example for a cone:



\psset{viewpoint=50 -40 10 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
\defFunction{cone}(u,v){u v Cos mul}{u v Sin mul}{u}
    plansepare={[1 0 0 -1]},
    ngrid=9 30,
    plansepare={[1 0 0 -1]},
    ngrid=9 30,
\psSolid[object=load,load=ConeA1,hue=0.8 0.1]
\psSolid[object=load,load=ConeB1,hue=0.8 0.1,inhue=1 0]
\psSolid[object=load,load=ConeA0,RotZ=90,hue=0.8 0.1](0,6,-1.3)
\psSolid[object=load,load=ConeB0,RotZ=90,hue=0.8 0.1](0,6,-0.5)

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