[pstricks] R: Re : Fwd: PSTricks code -- pst-solides3d

Carlo Alberini carloalbe1 at yahoo.it
Sat Jul 2 21:45:37 CEST 2011

Yes, that would be perfect, but I don't know the right PSTricks code for generate the "solidcreux (cone)" that you can find in page 3 in http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/mluque/solides3d2007/sections/sections-cone/sections-bicone.pdf. 
Moreover, if it possible, without generating .dat files (I am not able to generate them, and I don't know how programs could generate them - I use Mac OsX 10.5.8) and without \codejpg. In fact I need the right PSTricks code (\defFuntion, and so on) to generate all the cone sections I need only modifying the involved functions, like the code you have received in attachment. 
For example I am not able to use the object=load with solids that I create, but only with the predefinite solides; I would like to use this object=load with my own solides. 
On the other hands, if I have the right code to generate the conic sections that you can find in http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/mluque/solides3d2007/sections/sections-cone/sections-bicone.pdf in the style of the draw you can find in this page 3, that would be perfect.  
If you can help me in this, I will thanks you. 
Best regards

--- Sab 2/7/11, Manuel Luque <mluque5130 at aol.com> ha scritto:

Da: Manuel Luque <mluque5130 at aol.com>
Oggetto: [pstricks] Re :  Fwd: PSTricks code -- pst-solides3d
A: pstricks at tug.org
Data: Sabato 2 luglio 2011, 15:18

There are there several examples of conic sections with pst-solides3d. Maybe you can adapt one of the examples?



Best regards






-----E-mail d'origine-----

De : Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE>

A : Graphics with PSTricks <pstricks at tug.org>

Envoyé le : Samedi, 2 Juillet 2011 13:41

Sujet : [pstricks] Fwd: PSTricks code -- pst-solides3d

About my job, I need to use LaTeX and PSTricks. For this, I am writing 
some articles about conic sections with PSTricks images. I would like 
insert some figure like this (see attachment 1 - ellisse1) that I 
create; however I would like to improve the image in this order: 1) hide 
the cone above section plan (for example with another colour) or 2) use 
- in the PSTricks code - the object=load in order to have the image like 
the second attachment (see parabola3 for example): I would like have a 
mix of the two images, i.e. a rotation of the cone above the 
intersection plan like in this image.
I am not able to do this; I am not able to write the right code. Could 
you help me? For all your advices I will thanks you.
Here is my code (for the attachment 1):

\psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=25 16 10 
          base=-3 3 pi neg pi,hue=0.2 0.5,
          intersectionplan={[0 0.5 1 1]}, name=XYZ,opacity=0.5]
          args={[0 0.5 1 1]},fillcolor=yellow!20,
          base=-3.0 3.0 -3.0 3.5,ngrid=20 20,linewidth=0.01,
\psSolid[object=fusion,base=XYZ Plane_s,opacity=0.5]
\psSolid[range=-0.6666 2,RotZ=90]
\psSolid[range=-0.6666 2,RotZ=90]
\rput[bl](2.0,-0.9){\textit{piano di sezione} $\pi$}
\rput[bl](-1.81,-3.2){\textit{cono} $\Gamma$}

Best regards
Carlo Alberini


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