[pstricks] Does the update cause the difference in the files

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Sun Jun 5 04:11:05 CEST 2011

On Jun 4, 2011, at 2:28 PM, David Arnold wrote:

> Herbert, et al,
> I've seen your reply to my question regarding the code:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add}
> \begin{document}
> \psset{unit=0.25}
> \begin{pspicture}(-11,-11)(11,11)
> \psgrid[gridlabels=0pt,gridcolor=lightgray,subgriddiv=1](0,0)(-10,-10)(10,10)
> \psaxes[arrowscale=1.5,arrows=<->,ticks=none](0,0)(-11,-11)(11,11)
> \uput[0](11,0){$x$}
> \uput[270](10,0){10}
> \uput[270](-10,0){$-10$}
> \uput[90](0,11){$y$}
> \uput[180](0,10){10}
> \uput[180](0,-10){$-10$}
> \psdots*[linecolor=red,dotsize=2pt 2](-6,1)(6,5)
> \psplot[linecolor=blue,algebraic,arrows=<->,arrowscale=1.5]{-10}{10}{1/3*x+3}
> \uput[135](-6,1){$(-6,1)$}
> \uput[135](6,5){$(6,5)$}
> \end{pspicture}
> \end{document}
> And your suggestion:
> \psaxes[arrowscale=1.5,arrows=<->,
>   Dx=10,Dy=10](0,0)(-11,-11)(11,11)[$x$,0][$y$,90]
> I guess I still need to know, is it the update on my colleague's machine (later versions of pstricks) that cause his image to be different from mine? I still don't know the answer as to why we are getting different output.
> This is a really big deal for us, as an update that causes this different output is an immense worry. We literally have hundreds of files that we would have to fix.

There was a change in pst-plot.tex after the initial 2010 TeX Live distribution, which changed the behavior of labels in cases such as you describe. I reloaded my 2008 and 2009 TeX Live distributions and verified that the behavior is now different. Until Herbert has researched this and provided a fix, here is a method that does not involve editing hundreds of files. Search your current distribution for a file named pstricks.con. (kpsewhich pstricks.con will tell you the path.) Open it in a text editor which can edit system files (after you authorize it, of course)---for example TextWrangler (free) from bbedit.com.  There is a customization section into which you should insert the following:

  \ifx\PSTplotLoaded\endinput %
    \define at key[psset]{pst-plot}{ticks}[all]{%
    \pst at expandafter\psset@@ticks{#1}\@nil\psk at ticks%
    \pst at expandafter\psset@@ticks{#1}\@nil\psk at labels}

The effect is that every time you load pstricks, that block is input, and if pst-plot has been loaded by the end of the preamble, you will redefine 'ticks' so that it changes 'labels' to the same value. Make a note of what you did so that you remember to remove everything up to  \endinput when a fix is provided.


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