[pstricks] problem after changing from openSUSE 11.3 to 11.4

Christian Maurer maurer at mi.fu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 12 02:43:08 CET 2011

Dear Herbert Voß,

after just having updated openSUSE from 11.3 to 11.4,
my book on mathematics does not compile any more under AmSTeX.
I minimized the problem and found out the following:

A file with the content

\input pstricks
\input pst-node
\input graphicx

called with "amstex <file>" went through with no problems
at all until pstricks.tex file-version 1.29, 2009/05/19;
but now, with pstricks.tex file-version 2.08, 2010/06/06,
yields "xkeyval error: [ undefined".

Any help is welcome.

Mit besten Grüßen,

Ch. Maurer
Dr. Christian Maurer          Leiter LWB Mathematik / Informatik
FB Mathematik und Informatik            Freie Universität Berlin
Tel. 838 75 215, 214 78 530           http://lwb.mi.fu-berlin.de

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