[pstricks] pst-solides3d

Poul Riis Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Wed Aug 25 14:37:24 CEST 2010

Graphics with PSTricks <pstricks at tug.org> writes:
>Next project is to make a vertical slice with a special color....
The slice might be restricted to being parallel to the yz-plane.
To be honest, I cannot see how I can do this. I need three planar cuts in
the cylinder. Any suggestions?

Poul Riis
>\definecolor{pureblack}{cmyk}{0 0 0 1}
>\psset{viewpoint=50 -40 10
>\pstVerb{/phi 30 def /cosphi phi cos def /sinphi phi sin def /nx sinphi
>def /ny 0 def /nz cosphi def /rcyl 3 sqrt 4 mul def /hcut rcyl sinphi mul
>cosphi div def /hcyl hcut 2 mul def /h1 1..5 def /dh 0.5 def /h2 h1 dh
>add def}
>\psset{ngrid=1 30}
>\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=rcyl,h=hcyl,plansepare={[nx ny nz
>0]},name=partiescylindre,action=none](0,0,hcut neg)
>%\psSolid[object=load,load=partiescylindre1,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.7 1 0.7
>}},fcol=0 (1 1 0.7 setrgbcolor),opacity=0.5]
>\psSolid[object=load,load=partiescylindre1,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.7 1 0.7
>}},fcol=0 (1 1 0.7 setrgbcolor)]
>\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=rcyl,h=hcyl,plansepare={[nx ny nz
>0]},name=partiescylindre,action=none](0,0,h2 neg)
>\psSolid[object=load,load=partiescylindre1,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.7 1
>0.4}},fcol=0 (0.8 1 0.4 setrgbcolor)]
>%\psSolid[object=load,load=partiescylindre1,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.7 1
>0.4}},fcol=0 (0.8 1 0.4 setrgbcolor),opacity=0.7]
>\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=rcyl,h=hcyl,plansepare={[nx ny nz
>0]},name=partiescylindre,action=none](0,0,h1 neg)
>\psSolid[object=load,load=partiescylindre1,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.7 1 0.7
>}},fcol=0 (1 1 0.7 setrgbcolor)]

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