[pstricks] A badly posed question concerning pst3d-solides: found a workaround, but still don't understand

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Tue Aug 3 17:12:49 CEST 2010

I found that if I change <\rput> commands to <\rput*> then not only does each node
appear (surrounded by a white box), but so do the <\uput> commands associated with them.

I am still confused why without the star in the \rputs the sphere overwrote the nodes, even though they are listed
after the sphere drawing.  It would be preferable to get these things to appear without the white boxes.

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

On Aug 3, 2010, at 10:33, Zbigniew H. Nitecki wrote:

> Below I will copy some code, which on its own (inside a minimal example) creates 
> a perfectly good picture.  However, when I incorporate it into a larger, book-length
> document (which would be way too huge to attach here), it prints fine, except for all
> the \psPoints and related \uputs.  I have not noticed this problem with other diagrams.
> Can anyone speculate as to what might cause this, and how to work around it?
> ########################################################
> 		\begin{pspicture}(-4,-5)(6,3)
> 			\psset{lightsrc=40 -100 85, viewpoint=15 25 45 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
> %			\psset{unit=0.5}
> 			\axesIIID[linecolor=red, linewidth=1pt,showOrigin=false](1,1,1)(2,2,2)
> 			\psSolid[object=sphere,
> 			r=1,
> 			fillcolor=blue!50,
> 			incolor=gray,
> %			opacity=0.05,
> 			hollow,
> 			ngrid=36 36,
> 			rm=253 254 289 290 325 326 361 362 397 398 433 434 469 470,
> 			]
> 			\psPoint(0,0,0){O}
> 			\psPoint(1,0,0){P1}
> 			\psPoint(0,1,0){P2}
> 			\psPoint(0,0,1){P3}
> 			\rput(O){\textcolor{yellow}{$\bullet$}}
> 			\uput[u](O){\textcolor{yellow}{$\fofxyz=0$}}
> 			\rput(P1){\textcolor{red}{$\bullet$}}
> 			\uput[u](P1){\textcolor{red}{$\fofxyz=2$}}
> 			\rput(P2){\textcolor{green}{$\bullet$}}
> 			\uput[ul](P2){\textcolor{green}{$\fofxyz=1$}}
> 			\rput(P3){\textcolor{white}{$\bullet$}}
> 			\uput[d](P3){\textcolor{white}{$\fofxyz=-1$}}
> 		\end{pspicture}
> #################################################################
> Zbigniew Nitecki
> Department of Mathematics
> Tufts University
> Medford, MA 02155
> telephones:
> Office    (617)627-3843
> Dept.    (617)627-3234
> Dept. fax    (617)627-3966
> http://www.tufts.edu/~znitecki/
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