[pstricks] Re : pst-3d: viewpoint and viewangle

mluque5130 at aol.com mluque5130 at aol.com
Sun Jun 27 20:33:05 CEST 2010

 Christian Hoffmann a écrit :

>this is more a mathematical question. 
>I want to draw 3D-pictures with a horizontal x-axis, a vertical z-axis and a diagonal y-axis. Assume ' viewport=1 2 3'. Which >value must have viewangle for a horizontal x-axis? Is there a formula or is my wish impossible? 

It is necessary (I think) to modify the matrix of current transformation (CTM) defined by TVZ in pst-3d. Here are some examples with a documentation in French (sorry) to obtain a representation in cavalier perspective and projections on plans XOY, XOZ and YOZ.
Maybe you can adapt it to your example?


Best regards





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