[pstricks] Combining PSTricks and Metapost

David Arnold dwarnold45 at suddenlink.net
Sat Aug 29 17:53:25 CEST 2009


I truly thought Herbert Voss (see below) had the solution. However,  
using the sequence:

1. latex --shell-escape fonttest.tex

2. dvips -o fonttest-pics.ps fonttest.dvi

3. ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None fonttest-pics.ps fonttest-pics.pdf

4. pdflatex tonttest.tex

on the adjusted file fonttest.tex (attached), the second step now  

This is dvips(k) 5.97 Copyright 2008 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com 
' TeX output 2009.08.29:0836' -> fonttest-pics.ps
dvips: Font lmsy10 used in file fonttest.1 is not in the mapping file.
dvips: Font rm-lmr12 used in file fonttest.1 is not in the mapping file.

My search for psfonts.map:

david-arnolds-macbook-pro:optimath darnold$ kpsewhich psfonts.map

The resulting pdf file is attached, including the perl script we use  
to compile. Our minus sign is still missing.

Acrobat reports these fonts in fonttest.pdf.

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Any help appreciated.

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods

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On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:45 AM, Herbert Voss wrote:

> David Arnold schrieb:
>> We have developed a testing system that serves up quizzes to our
>> students on-the-fly. Our database contains both Metapost code and
>> PSTricks code in some instances, so we are currently compiling with  
>> the
>> attached script: OTlatex.pl.
>> I've also provided a sample file, fonttest.tex. You can run the  
>> script
>> by first making it executable with chmod +x OTlatex.pl and executing:
> with latest texlive2009 TeX uses by default the Latin Modern fonts
> voss at shania:~/tmp> pdffonts fonttest.pdf
> name                                 type              emb sub uni  
> object ID
> ------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- ---  
> ---------
> UZOZVS+LMRoman12-Bold                Type 1            yes yes  
> no       6  0
> JEHIDO+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1            yes yes  
> no       7  0
> JEHIDO+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1            yes yes  
> no       8  0
> TBEVRU+LMMathSymbols10-Regular       Type 1            yes yes  
> no       9  0
> WFWVWL+LMMathItalic12-Regular        Type 1            yes yes  
> no      10  0
> TBEVRU+LMMathSymbols10-Regular       Type 1            yes yes  
> no      16  0
> HPHXQC+LMRoman10-Regular             Type 1            yes yes  
> no      19  0
> However, you should use
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{lmodern}
> in your document. Then the lm fonts should be used by default.
> Herbert
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