[pstricks] pstricks: How to rotate characters on a circle line?

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Fri Aug 7 12:10:37 CEST 2009

Minsu schrieb:

> I placed some text along segments of a circle. So far this works fine,
> until i tried to rotate certain characters (kanji) -- these are set at
> the very left side, and I'd like to display them 'vertically', so that
> they can be read from top to bottom.

and here the example for writing upright letters on a circle


  \global\pst at cntm=0
  \expandafter\placeChar at i#1;}
\def\placeChar at i#1#2;{%
  \uput[\the\pst at cntm](5;\the\pst at cntm){\Huge#1}%
  \global\advance\pst at cntm by 10
  \ifx\relax#2\relax\else\expandafter\placeChar at i#2;\fi%

\placeChar{123AXYZ some more text on a circle}


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