[pstricks] ylabelPos and overfull boxes

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jun 19 17:21:49 CEST 2009

Adam Fenn schrieb:
>>> When I run the example below under plain TeX the command ylabelPos=right
>>> produces overfull boxes.
>>> %------------------ Plain TeX--------------------
>>> \input pst-plot.tex
>>> \input pstricks-add.tex
>>> \pspicture(1,5)
>>>  \psaxes[xAxis=false,linecolor=red,ylabelPos=right]{->}(0.5,0)(0.5,5)
>>>  \endpspicture
>>> \bye
>> there is no value "right" possible.
>> yLabelPos={ ...,...}
> Sorry, I don't understand. What do I put in yLabelPos={ ...,...} to put the labels to the right of the axis?

yAxisLabelPos takes the coordinates of the label position.
It is only possible with the psgraph environment







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