[pstricks] TeX loop structures versus Postscript Loop Structures and Plotting

Buddy Ledger buddyledger at gmail.com
Fri May 1 20:24:26 CEST 2009

>>On Fri, 1 May 2009, Buddy Ledger wrote:
>>/ I have been working on developing a few plotting routines for writing a
/>>/ thesis.  I started out using high level TeX objects only, i.e. repeated
/>>/ \psdot or \psline calls using a TeX loop (adapted from The Latex
/>>/ Graphics Companion "GetCoordinates" example on page 329).  However, as I
/>>/ started to learn a bit about pstricks I started to re-write some of the
/>>/ postscript routines as well.
>   It looks to me that you have a lot of data analyses and want to use
>PSTricks to plot the results. Have you considered using the R system for the
>analyses? I believe that you can do the results plotting with PSTricks from
>within R. (It's been a few years since I've used R so I cannot be certain.)
>This might be the more pragmatic approach.


Thank you for the pointer.  I tryed the R Project a long time ago, I will look at it again.  
However, it looks to me that I would have to learn a new programming style language to effectively use it.  

The reality is I don't need extensive data analysis capabilities since I've used Matlab for that.  However, I did 
want to avoid producing data (plotfiles) for cases where plot3 is Function(plot1, plot2) mostly for sqrt of sum of squares stuff.

The curve fitting I can do in Matlab (and have done) I just wanted to consolidate everything in one environment and build 
the plots as automatically as possible.  The truly pragmatic approach here would be to abandon this idea, but I've never been accused
of being pragmatic :).  The truth is I'm easily distracted and these issues have presented problems which I wish to solve.  Likely I should 
just get on with my work.

I will consider using the R project software, thanks.

Buddy Ledger

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