[pstricks] eps image

Sergius dailylama at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 08:41:19 CET 2009

how do you create documents which by size shrink around content, not
the default A4 or letter sized doc

2009/1/29 Werner Grundlingh <wgrundlingh at gmail.com>:
> In order to create a PDF document (via pdfLaTeX), you should use PDF
> images. I've attached a PDF version of your image to this email.
> Alternatively, if you need PSTricks at compile time, you should use
> the traditional
>  latex -> dvips -> epstopdf
> option to create PDF output.
> Werner
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:16, Gabrielle Araj <gabrielle_araj at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I try to create a book cover using PSTricks. I download an example written
>> by Yuri Robbers and try to compile to a pdf with winedit. I also put a file
>> called flower which is an image in eps in my folder.
>> % create the box with the front cover picture
>> \newsavebox\IBox
>> \sbox\IBox{\includegraphics[height=9in]{flower.eps}}
>> I receive the following message:  a unknown graphic extension .eps.
>> I don't know what the problem is. So please help me.
>> Thanks
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