[pstricks] Native speaker needed

McGarry Vince vmcgarry at austin.rr.com
Sat Aug 19 15:40:07 CEST 2006


For the first, "there is a coordinate;" for the second. "there are  
two coordinates."

The ordered pair (3,3) is a coordinate; the ordered pairs (1,1) and  
(3,3) are two coordinates. A coordinate is a set of n real numbers to  
indicate a point in R^n.

But will readers know what you are saying if you use the phrases in  
your email? I would have to say yes. Although not precisely correct,  
I can't image a native speaker not knowing what you mean. My sense of  
it is that your wording is very common and people often refer to the  
individual numbers in the n-tuple as coordinates, using phrases like  
``the coordinates of the point are (3,5)'' when the phrase should be  
``the coordinate of the point is (3,5).''


On Aug 19, 2006, at 6:03 AM, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Hi,
> I have \psline(3,3) and \psline(1,1)(3,3)
> can I say "there is one pair of coordinates" and in the
> second example "two pairs of coordinates"?
> Or what would you say?
> thanks
> Herbert
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