[pstricks] psgraph question
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Dec 10 16:55:13 CET 2005
McGarry Vince wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2005, at 2:10 AM, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> McGarry Vince wrote:
>>> I may be confused, but I'm sure this used to work, placing the
>>> origin at the default (0,0), doesn't seem to work anymore unless I
>>> explicitly state the origin.
>> [ ... ]
>>> This works now
>>> \begin{psgraph*}[Dx=1,Dy=40,arrows=->,arrowscale=2](0,0) (-6.5,-140)
>>> (7.5,140){3in}{2in}
>> see page 101 of the documentation.
> Am I misreading the documentation? It says on page 102:
> " if (xOrig,yOrig) is missing, it is substituted to (0, 0);"
> which means, if I'm not mistaken, that if (xOrig,yOrig) is missing,
> then the value of (xOrig,yOrig) defaults to (0,0), which is the way it
> has been behaving.
oh, my fault. I forgot to change this part of the documentation.
The behaviour should be the same as for \psplot (hopefully)
and I suppose, that this was the reason why I changed it.
\psgraph(x,y) -> \psgraph(0,0)(0,0)(x,y)
\psgraph(x0,y0)(x1,y1) -> \psgraph(x0,y0)(x0,y0)(x1,y1)
> BTW, Herbert, I want to thank you for all of the work to improve
thanks :-)
> pstricks---I do use the newer macros, like psPolynomial, as you
> suggersted in your followup email---this example is a mixture of old
> code and new from revision of a book. There wasn't enough time for a
> complete rewrite. The next revision, hopefully.
oh no problem. Thought, that you didn't know the package.
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