[pstricks] psgraph question
McGarry Vince
vmcgarry at austin.rr.com
Sat Dec 10 16:19:18 CET 2005
On Dec 10, 2005, at 2:10 AM, Herbert Voss wrote:
> McGarry Vince wrote:
>> I may be confused, but I'm sure this used to work, placing the
>> origin at the default (0,0), doesn't seem to work anymore unless
>> I explicitly state the origin.
> [ ... ]
>> This works now
>> \begin{psgraph*}[Dx=1,Dy=40,arrows=->,arrowscale=2](0,0)
>> (-6.5,-140) (7.5,140){3in}{2in}
> see page 101 of the documentation.
Am I misreading the documentation? It says on page 102:
" if (xOrig,yOrig) is missing, it is substituted to (0, 0);"
which means, if I'm not mistaken, that if (xOrig,yOrig) is missing,
then the value of (xOrig,yOrig) defaults to (0,0), which is the way
it has been behaving.
With the new behavior, if (xOrig,yOrig) is missing, the value of
(xOrig,yOrig) defaults to (xMin,yMin).
BTW, Herbert, I want to thank you for all of the work to improve
pstricks---I do use the newer macros, like psPolynomial, as you
suggersted in your followup email---this example is a mixture of old
code and new from revision of a book. There wasn't enough time for a
complete rewrite. The next revision, hopefully.
> Herbert
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