[pstricks] size of circle nodes in psmatrix

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 27 14:34:58 CEST 2005

Manjusha Joshi wrote:

> I am trying  following code in which I am using \psmatrix environment.
> I set mnode=circle. And Inside node I am writing small letters like a, b, c, 
> d, e, f etc. As soon as f (or j, b,d, l etc.) comes the circle around it 
> becomes larges than other letters. I want same size for all letters. I tried 
> radius option also. But it works only when node has noting inside it.
> Is there any way to get same size of nodes i.e I want to set radius for all 
> circles to be same. I adjust it with \; and ~ but all the time doing it 
> manually is time consuming.
> -Thanks
> Manjusha 
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-tree,pstricks-add}
> %opening
> \begin{document}
> \SpecialCoor
> \pagestyle{empty}
> $
> \psmatrix[colsep=.5cm,rowsep=.5cm,mnode=circle,radius=5pt,nodesep=0pt,ArrowInside=->,arrowscale=2]
> a&b&c&f

\strut a&\strut b&\strut c&\strut f


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