[pstricks] \pcline, \Aput, \Bput

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 1 21:56:24 CEST 2005

Mike Daven wrote:
> I'd like to know if there is a variation of \Aput or \Bput, when used with
> \pcline, that places the label somewhere other than at the "center".
> For instance, the code "\pcline(0,0)(9,0)\Aput{foo}" creates a line much
> like \psline, in this case from the point (0,0) to the point (9,0), and
> \Aput places the label "foo", in this case centered just above the point
> (4.5,0).  \Bput would have placed the label just below the line.
> What if we'd like the label to be placed off-center?  Let's say we want
> the label placed about 1/4 of the way from the start?  I know of silly
> little solutions for my example, like "\uput[u](2.25){foo}" or maybe
> "\pcline[linewidth=0pt](0,0)(4.5,0)\Aput{foo}", for instance.
> But I'd like to be able to just slide the label to where I want it, rather
> than placing a label in some other klunky way.  Any ideas?



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