[pstricks] pst-map2dII and Greece
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Aug 9 19:11:51 CEST 2005
Marc Wilhelm Küster wrote:
> Using pst-map2dII I'd like to plot Greece and the coast of Asia Minor.
> Building on the documenation in the pstricks book I manage to plot
> Greece itself alright, but the Asian part of the map refuses to appear
> even though the area of the map extends up to the Bosporus, i. e. far
> east of the coast of Asia Minor (cf. the example below). Probably a
> stupid error, but I don't manage to get it working as expected. Any hint
> would be appreciated.
> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> \usepackage{pst-map2dII}
> \begin{document}
> %Georgraphische Position von Athen nach
> http://gnswww.nga.mil/geonames/GNS/index.jsp: 37° 59' 00" N 023° 44'
> 00" E
> \begin{pspicture}*(-5,-155)(16,-140.5)
> \psset{path=/sw/share/texmf-dist/source/generic/pstricks/contrib/pst-geo/dataII,
> level=20, unit=40, type=8, latitude0=37.59, longitude0=23.44,
> rivers=true, borders=false}
> \WorldMapII[asia=true, europe=true, maillage=true,
> linewidth=0.75\pslinewidth, limiteL=190, borders=true, increment=2 ]
> \end{pspicture}
> \end{document}
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