[pstricks] When to use metapost...when to use pstricks
Jean-Côme Charpentier
Jean-Come.Charpentier at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jul 14 01:47:45 CEST 2005
Christopher Ellison wrote:
> I have a 'simple' question. Pstricks is nice because I can have the
> source for my figures directly in the source of my document
It's also possible with metapost.
> ...it is also
> very nice because of the all powerful packages and tools that come with
> pstricks.
Indeed. The number of pstricks packages is *much* greater than the
number of metapost packages.
> I have also seen metapost. Is there any reason why I should
> use metapost over pstricks?
Nobody force you to use metapost :-)
> Are there tasks that are easier to do with
> metapost than with pstricks?
There is the node of the problem. In fact, one can find examples more
easy with metapost than with pstricks... and vice versa.
Examples (for metapost):
x = a + b;
x = a - b;
metapost now knows that x = 2a and b = 0. Easy, isn't it ? More
generaly, metapost works easily with anything in the affin geometry (n
equations with m variables, affin transformation, ...)
z2 = 2/3[z0,z1];
makes the point z2 2/3 on the way z0 to z1.
pickup pencircle scaled .1in yscaled .1 rotated 45;
produces lines as they would be draw with a real rectangular pen .1in
width, 0.01in thick, rotated 45... like a calligraphic pen.
Examples (for pstricks):
Not difficult with metapost but so easy with pstricks
\scalebox{2 1}{\Large \bfseries Foo}
More easy with pstricks. Especially when the user decide to change
(With metapost he has to change the metapost file prambule.)
(example in pstricks documentation).
In fact, this last example is not easy to obtain with metapost nor
pstricks. But it illustrates the good point for pstricks: number of
packages (here pst-tree).
> If so, could you provide a couple of
> examples? I guess I was looking for a brief "comparison" of these
> approaches...and yes, I do understand that the opinion will be biased in
> favor of pstricks (but I am okay with that...and I lean that way anyway).
I'm not sure that examples are the right way to see difference between
Metapost and pstricks. I like both Metapost and Pstricks but
programming styles are absolutely differents.
Jean-Côme Charpentier
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