[pstricks] pst-eps
Patrice Mégret
patrice.megret at fpms.ac.be
Tue May 31 17:34:28 CEST 2005
Dear Herbert,
Thanks for your help.
Pst-pdf + the config file adapted for Windows (DOS) is very useful and
efficient solution.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] De la part
de Herbert Voss
Envoyé : vendredi 27 mai 2005 12:31
À : pstricks at tug.org
Objet : Re: [pstricks] pst-eps
Patrice Mégret wrote:
> 1) In the example below, pst-eps writes a file output.eps and then
> includes this eps file into the main file.
> It works fine but if then I change the colour and compile again, no
> new output.eps is written and I end up with the same colour. To
> overcome this, I should erase output.eps to force the system to write
> the new one.
> <>If I look at the code pst-eps.tex, it seems there is a check on the
> existence or not of output.eps but I do not get a message to answer
> yes or no.
running you computer in an intranet you can use the write18 macro.
\def\erase{rm -f output.eps}
run the source with "latex --shell-escape file"
> 2) If I want to use output.eps alone, I should use the options
> headers=all in \PSTtoEPS[]. On my system (TeXLive) it does not work
> because it does not find the file pstricks.pro. To work, I should put
> this file in the same directory as my main file. Is there a way to
> specify in pst-eps that the pro files are located in a specific directory?
> <>3) Is \PSTtoEPS also working when there are \rput(){} commands
> inside the pictures? My main goal is to convert pstricks pictures in
> small eps picture for publications. Should I use instead \TeXtoEPS and
> how?
it is easier to use pst-pdf (http://perce.de/LaTeX/pst-pdf)
with the config file you can save all pspicture environments as eps files.
Alternative you can use the container file <file>-pics.pdf, which holds all
images as single pdf pages. Run the latex source with the script ps4pdf,
also available at the website.
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