[pstricks] Help With Letterhead Logo

Henry Proudhon henry.proudhon at insa-lyon.fr
Wed May 25 09:39:20 CEST 2005


good work Jean-Côme, I would just add something (not really pstricks 
related but...)

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think you're not happy with your logo because 
it does not appear nicely smooth on your web page.
I've looked the code on your actuel web page, and I've seen your image 
is 251x130px and you resize it to 256x137. That's why your logo looks 
If you can, *Never* resize an image since it will not look smooth in 
most of the cases (consider rather make a copy of a different size).

With the PSTricks logo, It won't be different, you will need to convert 
your image after that (jpg in most of the cases). btw, dont' forget to 
add some transparency.
The fact is you will loose the ability of the eps image to be resized 

If you need more info, I can give you via private mail.

hope this helps, if i'm out of the scope please ignore this !


Jean-Côme Charpentier wrote:

> rossi at york.cuny.edu wrote:
>> Hello All:
>> Could someone help me to use pstricks to draw the "Y" on the main 
>> splash page of
>> http://www.york.cuny.edu?
>> If I could do this with pstricks, then I could construct my own 
>> letterhead where
>> the "Y" would be in the upper left-hand corner of the stationery.  
>> All I would
>> need is a couple of hints in the right direction.
> In fact it isn't an hard work.  The three parts could be stroke with 
> pspolygon*.  Perhaps some parameters could be usefull, e.g.  \Lthick, 
> \Mthick, \Rthick, \slantv, \slanth (for vertical slant and horizontal 
> slant), etc.
> For the text, I think that the best is to use PostScript fonts (Times 
> and Helvetica in my source).
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{mathptmx}
> \usepackage{helvet}
> \usepackage{pstricks}
> \newrgbcolor{Ycolor}{0.82 0.0 0.0}
> \newlength{\Ytmp}
> \newcommand\Yorklogo{%
>   \pspolygon*[linecolor=Ycolor]
>                (0,1.8)(0.2,1.8)(2.3,0.7)
>                (2.3,0)(2.1,0)(2.1,0.7)
>   \pspolygon*[linecolor=Ycolor]
>                (5.9,1.8)(4.8,1.8)(2.7,0.7)
>                (2.7,0)(3.8,0)(3.8,0.7)
>   \pspolygon*[linecolor=Ycolor]
>                (6.5,1.8)(6.1,1.8)(4,0.7)
>                (4,0)(4.4,0)(4.4,0.7)
> }
> \begin{document}
> \begin{pspicture}(6.5,3.5)
>   \rput(0,1.7){\Yorklogo}
>   \rput[b](3.25,0.5){\scaleboxto(6.5,0.5)
>     {\sffamily \bfseries \Ycolor YORK COLLEGE}}
>   \rput[b](3.25,0){\scaleboxto(6.5,0.3)
>     {\Ycolor The City University of New York}}
> \end{pspicture}
> \end{document}
>   Jean-Côme Charpentier
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