[pstricks] Help With Letterhead Logo
Jean-Côme Charpentier
Jean-Come.Charpentier at wanadoo.fr
Wed May 25 02:38:43 CEST 2005
rossi at york.cuny.edu wrote:
> Hello All:
> Could someone help me to use pstricks to draw the "Y" on the main splash page of
> http://www.york.cuny.edu?
> If I could do this with pstricks, then I could construct my own letterhead where
> the "Y" would be in the upper left-hand corner of the stationery. All I would
> need is a couple of hints in the right direction.
In fact it isn't an hard work. The three parts could be stroke with
pspolygon*. Perhaps some parameters could be usefull, e.g. \Lthick,
\Mthick, \Rthick, \slantv, \slanth (for vertical slant and horizontal
slant), etc.
For the text, I think that the best is to use PostScript fonts (Times
and Helvetica in my source).
\newrgbcolor{Ycolor}{0.82 0.0 0.0}
{\sffamily \bfseries \Ycolor YORK COLLEGE}}
{\Ycolor The City University of New York}}
Jean-Côme Charpentier
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