[pstricks] pstricks-add breaks latex-beamer?

Matthias Thomae bluez at thomae-privat.de
Mon Nov 15 13:47:25 CET 2004

Hello Herbert, all,

I am making a presentation with latex-beamer (tried both debian 
testing/unstable) and pstricks (the latest from 

I'm also using pstricks-add, until recently version 2.09. Now, after 
upgrading to 2.25 (also tried 2.15), the beamer presentation looks 
'broken', i.e. the headline is split into 2 parts, and the navigation 
bar is somehow stretched horizontically. I'm using ps2pdf, but already 
the ps file is 'broken'.

This is reproducable with the standard beamer example that comes with 
the (debian) beamer package:


just by inserting:


I attached the modified example. Any clues?

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