[pstricks] The FP package

Alan Ristow ristow at ece.gatech.edu
Fri Nov 5 15:29:40 CET 2004

On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 09:57:29 +0100 (Paris, Madrid), "Cyrille Piatecki"
<cyrille.piatecki at univ-orleans.fr> wrote:

>FP.sty is not directly a package of pstricks but it can be helpfull in
>constructing recursive fonction. The problem is that the documentation is
>nearly unexisting and that I encounter many problems. For instance
>\FPlsolve{\sol}{2}{3} \sol give the correct solution but
>\FPadd{\a}{2}{3} or other functions give an error message.

I used to use \FPadd a fair bit, and I don't see anything wrong with
your syntax. I used to skip the first pair of curly braces (i.e.,
\FPadd\a{2}{3}), but that's the only difference I can see. Also, be sure
you're including the proper parts of the fp package -- it consists of a
number of files. IIRC, \usepackage{fp} includes them all.

Without a minimal example that demonstrates the problem, that's about
all I can say. Send me one off-list if you like (since it is somewhat OT


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