[pstricks] using seminar package

Olesya Grishchenko ogrishch at stern.nyu.edu
Tue Oct 5 23:08:55 CEST 2004

Hi all,  

I am trying to use seminar package with the help of pstricks to produce 
presentation slides in LaTex.  I have a problem of producing slides with 
oval frames. I can do oval frames, but the text does not go inside the slide then. 
My file looks in the following way:  

\usepackage{pstcol} % To use the standard `color' package with Seminar


%\slideframe{scplain} is the default with semcolor.sty

     My text.



This file produces oval frame (as default), but no text inside the frame; the text is located outside 
the frame. If I specify \slideframe{none} in fornt of \begin{slide} environment, the text appears in the middle of the slide, as 
expected. Did you ever have this problem, and if yes, could you help me with fixing it? 


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