[pstricks] psgraph

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Tue Jul 13 16:49:24 CEST 2004

Alan Ristow wrote:
> Herbert,
> One problem I've found with the current psgraph. The following code
> produces an arithmetic overflow with 0.06 as my ymax coordinate. Larger
> values work fine, but 0.06 does not. The error seems to occur after a
> division operation in the psgraph code, and I am able to plot this data
> the "old" way (i.e., without psgraph) with no trouble. I have provided
> examples of each.
> Incidentally, the working code also illustrates a problem that I have
> been meaning to post about for awhile. You will notice that my \psaxes
> command uses an x dimension of 4.001in, compared to 4in for the
> pspicture environment. I have found that this is necessary in order to
> have the final tick label appear. Do you know of a better way to deal
> with this?

> %
> % The routine below -- not using psgraph -- plots this data without
> % trouble.
> %
> \begin{figure}
>   \begin{pspicture}(4in,2in)
>     \pstScalePoints(1,1){}{0.11 sub}%
> \psaxes[axesstyle=frame,Dx=0.1,Dy=0.01,tickstyle=bottom,Ox=0.0,Oy=0.11]%
>       (4.001in,2in)%
>     \readdata{\data}{test.dat}%
>     \listplot{\data}%
>   \end{pspicture}
> \end{figure}

     \pstScalePoints(1,1){}{100 mul 11 sub}%



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