[pstricks] pstricks-add

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jul 9 08:01:45 CEST 2004

Alan Ristow wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 08:25:43 +0200, Herbert Voss
> <Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE> wrote:
>>   [axesstyle=frame, ticklines=all,ylabelFactor=$\cdot 10^6$,%
>>    Dx=5, Dy= 100](-1,25)(0,750){10cm}{8cm}         % parameters
>>   \listplot[linecolor=red, linewidth=2pt, showpoints=true]{\data}
>>\begin{pspicture}(-1,-1)(0.2,8.5)% this seems to be a bug !!!!!
> I'm not entirely sure what bug you are referring to here, but the reason

the problem is the x value, I am not really sure if it is
a bug or a feature ...

> I figure either this is the bug you are talking about, or it is a new
> one, or I just don't understand what coordinate system the outer
> pspicture environment is working with. At any rate, it is this sort of
> behavior that led me to believe that pspicture environments should not
> be nested.

the following needs the _latest_ pstricks-add.



1989 3.08
1990 3.84
1991 4.08
1992 3.21
1993 5.23
1994 2.97
1995 2.53
1996 2.8
1997 2.78
1998 3.15
1999 2.32
2000 2.4
2001 2.46


%  \psset{xunit=0.3333in,yunit=0.4444in}%
         \pstScalePoints(1,1){1989 sub}{2 sub}%


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