[pstricks] Precision of dimensions/colors

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Sun May 25 19:50:54 CEST 2003

>>>>> "Grzegorz.Owsiany" == Grzegorz Owsiany <grow at fnet.pl> writes:

    Grzegorz.Owsiany> What is the most accurate and precise color mode in pstricks?

  PSTricks is only an interface between TeX and PostScript. As TeX does not
know about colors, everything for them is related to what PostScript support
and define. This is stated in the actual documentation Section 2, page 5.

  And remember that the PSTricks color interface is obsolete since 1994: use
the `color' package for Plain and LaTeX, and it own color support for ConTeXt.

    Grzegorz.Owsiany> Now I'm using rgb and gray modes. Does using n=9 precision have sense
    Grzegorz.Owsiany> for representing colors?

  Certainly not. But in any case everything depend of the material on which
you will view or print the colors. There is a lot of litterature on this
subject (that I do not truly know). For a general introduction, refer for
instance to the Chapter 9 of The LaTeX Graphics Companion.

    Grzegorz.Owsiany> For dimensions i use 1cm as a unit. I suppose that 1pt will be more
    Grzegorz.Owsiany> accurate because pt is basic unit in postscript, am I wrong?

  In any case, as again PSTricks only interface PostScript, all user's units
will be converted in PostScript units.


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