[pstricks] [Fwd: Re: [VTeX] fancybox and pstricks]

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Wed Apr 30 00:21:45 CEST 2003

>>>>> "Herbert.Voss" == Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at alumni.tu-berlin.de> writes:

    Herbert.Voss> Denis, what do you say to Michaels suggestion for
    Herbert.Voss> pstricks.con?

    Herbert.Voss> The solution with \immediate\special{header=pstricks.pro}
    Herbert.Voss> worked well for me.

    Michael.Vulis> You may also try to change pstricks.con to use \immediate\special in
    Michael.Vulis> \pstheader. This does work for your example, and __I think__ it may always
    Michael.Vulis> work (this kind of change needs to be tested on lots of pstricks examples.)

  From the PSTricks distribution point of vue, this does not concern the
pstricks.con file, which is for the de facto standard dvips driver, but the
file CTAN:graphics/pstricks/generic/vtex.con , which become pstricks.con
when VTeX is used.

  In vtex.con, \pstheader is defined three times: one if LaTeX is not used
(which seems not to be modified), one if LaTeX is used and not `graphicx'
and one if both LaTeX and `graphicx' are used. The two last ones need to be
changed accordingly. And, as \Gin at PS@file at header is defined in the
same way in vtex.def:

\def\Gin at PS@file at header#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{header=#1}}}

I think that the easiest solution to correct also the case where `graphicx' is
loaded is to suppress this test:

% D.G. modification begin - Apr. 29, 2003 - From Michael Vulis
%  \ifx\Gin at PS@file at header\@undefined
%    \def\pstheader#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{header=#1}}}
%  \else
%    \let\pstheader\Gin at PS@file at header
%  \fi
% D.G. modification end

  My tests are correct, and the general test file
CTAN:graphics/pstricks/doc/test-pst.tex still compile... Test it on your side,
and if no problem were later reported, I would update the vtex.con file later
(I plan a general update of the distribution for this summer, with the new
documentation, waiting patches included, etc.).


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