[pstricks] Newbie

Fabrice Louche fabrice.louche at rma.ac.be
Tue Aug 20 14:05:56 CEST 2002

Hi there !

My name is Fabrice Louche and I'm new to PSTricks (and to this 
mailing-list). I need the package for using SEMINAR, and I have some 
problem with it. When I try to load it, the following messages appear:

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (no format preloaded)
**&LaTeX slide1.tex
LaTeX2e <1999/06/01> patch level 1
Document Class: seminar 1997/10/13, 1.4
Document Style: `seminar' v1.4 <1997/10/13> (tvz)
Document Class: article 1999/01/07 v1.4a Standard LaTeX document class
(:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:base:size10.clo)) (:Tex:Inputs:SEMINAR:sem-page.sty))
(:Tex:Inputs:SEMINAR:seminar.con (:Tex:Inputs:SEMINAR:sem-a4.sty
(:Tex:Inputs:SEMINAR:sem-page.sty))) (:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:graphics:graphicx.sty
(:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:graphics:graphics.sty (:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:graphics:trig.sty)
(:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:graphics:graphics.cfg) (:TeX:Inputs:LaTeX:graphics:dvips.def
))) (:Tex:Inputs:pstricks:pstricks.sty (:Tex:Inputs:pstricks:pstricks.tex
`PSTricks' v97 patch 14  <1999/12/23> (tvz)
Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \typeout was complete.
<to be read again>
l.575 \newgray{black}{0}

The problematic file is pstricks.tex, which I downloaded from the 
usual server without modifying it.

Does anyone have an idea about the source of this problem ? I use 
OzTex on MacOS X.

Best regards,



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