[pstricks] How can I get the x and y coordinates of a node?

Henrik Bengtsson hb at maths.lth.se
Tue Oct 23 19:26:06 CEST 2001

Dear PSTricks coders, is it possible to get the x and y coordinates
of a node? I would like to get this to be able to calculate new
coordinates that are relative to a certain node coordinates.
For example, I would like to calculate the midpoint between two nodes A
and B:
\usepackage{pst-all} \usepackage{calc}
\newlength{\newx} \newlength{\newy} \psset{xunit=10mm,yunit=10mm}
  \setlength{\newx}{(\getxcoord{A} + \getxcoord{B}) / 2}
  \setlength{\newy}{(\getycoord{A} + \getycoord{B}) / 2}
  % Midpoint between A and B
  % Line to a node 2 yunits below the midpoint
  \ncline{AB}{C} \end{pspicture}
Is there a "\getxcoord" and a "\getycoord" or something similar?

FYI: My knowledge of "low-level" TeX is very ad hoc.

Henrik Bengtsson
Lund University, Sweden

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