pstricks and graphicx(?) problem

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Sat Jun 3 12:17:02 CEST 2000

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graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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    Ioannis.Thavoris> For some reason I cannot import figures (*.eps) when I use 
    Ioannis.Thavoris> the pst-all package. Next is the main TeX file. The last package 
    Ioannis.Thavoris> at the preamble is the pst-all. When I call it the figures disappear
    Ioannis.Thavoris> (even from the table of figures!!!!). The same thing happens also with 
    Ioannis.Thavoris> the pstricks package. Let me know how I can solve this.

  In any case, ever track a problem by trying to reduce the test case to the
shortest one. You can't easily diagnose a problem with so many degrees of
freedom like in your example (that nobody would be able to run as it require
several local packages).

  As usual, try a reduced example as the next one, look at the .log file, add
a \tracingmacros=1 line at the beginning of the document, etc.







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