A simple \ncloop question...

j.visch at math.canterbury.ac.nz j.visch at math.canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Dec 8 00:07:53 CET 1999

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Christophe JORSSEN writes:

 > Hi all,
 > I'm sorry to ask that question that must be simple but I'm in a hurry =
 > and I'm tired...
 > I don't understand why the node connection is not out of the box in that =
 > example:
 > \begin{pspicture}(14,14)
 >     \rput[t](4,9){\rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}}
 >         =
 > \ncloop[angleA=3D90,angleB=3D180,loopsize=3D1,arm=3D.5,linearc=3D.2]{->}{=
 > B}{B}
 > \end{pspicture}

    \rput[t](4,9){\rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}}

Note the loopsize I changed to -3.

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