A simple \ncloop question...

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Wed Dec 8 00:27:58 CET 1999

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>>>>> "Christophe.Jorssen" == Christophe JORSSEN <Christophe.JORSSEN at wanadoo.fr> writes:

    Christophe.Jorssen> I don't understand why the node connection is not out of the box in that example:

    Christophe.Jorssen> \begin{pspicture}(14,14)
    Christophe.Jorssen>     \rput[t](4,9){\rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}}
    Christophe.Jorssen>         \ncloop[angleA=90,angleB=180,loopsize=1,arm=.5,linearc=.2]{->}{B}{B}
    Christophe.Jorssen> \end{pspicture}

  As J. Visch just tell you, something like (you must change armB too if you
want a shorter loopsize):


but straightforwardly, as you do not need the five segments of a loop here:


  You can look at these variations:





    \rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}

    \rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}

    \rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}

    \rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}

    \rnode{B}{\psframebox{On a actionn\'e $k_1$}}



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