Formula for spiral for chapter decoration.
Denis Girou
Denis.Girou at
Fri Nov 12 20:16:48 CET 1999
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graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
For help using this mailing list, see instructions at the end of message.
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.text.tex as well.
>>>>> "John.Culleton" == John Culleton <john at> writes:
John.Culleton> I am fooling with "bookends" for chapter titles in fiction.
John.Culleton> I wonder if any math-literate person out there has the formula
John.Culleton> for an increasing spiral around a point. I have in mind a symbolic
John.Culleton> representation of a roll of paper, viewed from the end of the
John.Culleton> roll.
John.Culleton> Given the formula I can then crank it into pstricks or some other
John.Culleton> graphics package to generate the figure.
With PSTricks, you can play with the following code and adapt it.
P.S. * You can easily found solutions using other tools, like Metafont or
MetaPost (Alan Hoenig for instance had published some similar examples in
* For PSTricks, this code is notably cleaner and more powerful than the
one I show in "Les Cahiers GUTenberg" in 1994.
% D.G. addition - Jun. 9, 1998 - Polar plots using the \psplot macro
% Code added according the way suggested by Ulrich Dirr <udirr at>
% For polar plots
\def\psset at polarplot#1{\@nameuse{polarplot#1}}
\psset at polarplot{false}
\def\psplot at i#1#2#3{%
\pst at killglue
\use at par
% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 9, 1998
\addto at pscode{%
\psplot at init
/x #1 def
/x1 #2 def
/dx x1 x sub \psk at plotpoints div def
/xy {% Adapted from \parametricplot at i
#3 dup x cos mul exch x sin mul
\pst at number\psxunit mul exch
\pst at number\psyunit mul exch
} def}%
% D.G. modification end
\addto at pscode{%
\psplot at init
/x #1 def
/x1 #2 def
/dx x1 x sub \psk at plotpoints div def
/xy {
x \pst at number\psxunit mul
#3 \pst at number\psyunit mul
} def}%
% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 9, 1998
% D.G. modification end
\gdef\psplot at init{}%
\if at pst
\psplot at ii
\psplot at iii
% A \doPerChar style macro adapted from Juergen Schlegelmilch
% (<schlegel at> - posted on c.t.t. Jan. 27, 1998)
\pst at dimtonum{\MyDim}{\@tempa}%
\scalebox{1 \@tempa}{#1}
\advance\MyDim by 0.04pt}
{500}{-500}{1 2.7182818 x 200 div exp 1 add div}}% Spiral
Denis Girou
Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
Bâtiment 506 - B.P. 167 - 91403 Orsay Cedex - France |
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