A puzzle with TeX \ifnum

Isaiah Shavitt shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu
Tue Oct 5 07:05:53 CEST 1999

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Can somebody tell me why


works (forcing \ylen to be positive), while

	\ifnum\ylen<0 \pssetlength{\ylen}{-\ylen}\fi

does not?  It does not work even if I put \relax after the <0, 
or put the \pssetlength command in braces, or try a few other 
variations.  The \pssetlength command is just not executed.
Or is there a better way to get the absolute value of \ylen 
without using PS code?

Isaiah Shavitt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry           Telephone: 614-292-1668
The Ohio State University         Fax:       614-292-1685
Columbus, OH 43210-1185           E-mail: shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu

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