Pierre-Alain TERCIER
Pierre-Alain.Tercier at
Mon May 31 16:51:45 CEST 1999
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I use gnuplot and PSTRICKS to make graphics for LaTeX
I have problem with the symbols whith the command
plot "data" u 1:2 with linespoints
After the introduction in the LaTeX file the graphic
is ok except that the points are not present. The line
is ok but no point appears on the graph.
Where is the problem ? is it a bug
I have tried some different types and sizes
plot "data" u 1:2 with linespoints pt 3 ps 3
TERCIER Pierre-Alain
Institut de Radiophysique Appliquee
tel: +41 21 623 3445 fax: +41 21 623 3435
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