[pracjourn-forum] For our error collection

Steve Peter speter at dandy.net
Thu Sep 8 23:54:31 CEST 2005

On Sep 8, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Adam Lindsay wrote:

> It's also indicative of another newbie mistake with acronym/logo- 
> style macros, over-generalizing from example documents. 'LaTeX' is  
> find-and-replaced with \LaTeX\,

That'll give you extra space, too :-) Unless you proofread your  
document, you also won't notice, since it isn't flagged. (Yes, I've  
been burned by this in the rush to get documents out the door!)

> and spacing next to punctuation becomes a bit strange.  
> "LaTeX<space>" should be replaced with '\LaTeX' and '\<space>'.  
> (The old segmentation-and-misgeneralization-from-impoverished-input  
> learning problem, eh?)

Which is why I always recommend to new users to type \LaTeX{}.

However, from my teaching (non-TeX as well), I've learned that no  
matter how carefully constructed your examples and instructions are,  
the students WILL find a way to break and mangle them.


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